Bike 2 Ski Touring Adventure | Jupiter Peak in Park City | VIDEO

One of the best parts about living in a ski town is the shoulder seasons, when you can combine multiple sports into a single day. Well, once the ski resort closes down for the year, it’s the perfect opportunity to combine biking and ski touring. Though we wanted to ride from our house, the spring melt made our route to cross the highway impassible, so we started from in town. After loading up the bikes, we headed up to Park City Ski Resort to tour up the last bits of snow to the summit of Jupiter Peak for an epic day out with a good buddy!

The entire journey was about 22 miles, with a total elevation gain of almost 3,700 ft, including the bike portion. I was shocked, to be honest, that I was able to make it all the way up to the peak and back, while skiing moderately well once I put the GoPro away! It was such a blast being able to ski my favorite line at Park City Mountain called Main Chute off the top of Jupiter peak without anyone else being remotely close to us. It felt like we had the entire resort to ourselves… and that Grouse of course. Luckily, my legs didn’t bonk until the last 1/4 mile on the rail trail while riding directly into the wind. So I’ll definitely take that as a win!

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