First Experience in the Extraordinary Grand Canyon National Park

I’ve been to a lot of National Parks since moving out west to Utah, from the desert red rocks in Arches up to turquoise glacial lakes of Banff. Every single National Park is beautiful in its own way, of course, some more stunning than others. Beyond the national parks, there are so many incredible mountains and canyons through the American West that aren’t protected by the National Park System, and that has sort of taken the excitement and “wow-factor” away from visiting new national parks. Well, our stop at the Grand Canyon was happenstance on our way home from 2 …

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Bryce Canyon National Park Adventures [Video]

Bryce Canyon National Park is by far the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen, topping all of the other 4 national parks in Utah. So when my buddy was in town, it was a no brainer to take him there to get his adventure in. Needless to say, he was living life elevated while in Utah.

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Weekend Guide: Arches National Park

So you’ve only got one weekend, two precious days, to explore the most iconic National Park in Utah. What are you going to do? There’s so much to do, and endless things to see. So where do you even start? Can it even be done in one weekend? Is it even worth going down there if I don’t have a week off of work? You’ve come to the right place! And the obvious answer is yes, if given the opportunity, get to Arches National Park! Friday: Getting to Arches Back in February, my girlfriend and I went down into the …

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Cassidy Arch | Capitol Reef National Park

Capitol Reef, the least known, and visited, National Park in Utah. But it is a hidden gem. Which is quite a strange label since it is a national park. And in that park, after a long drive on a dirt road, you reach the Cassidy Arch trailhead. Though it is no Delicate Arch, Mesa Arch, or Corona Arch, the Cassidy Arch is just as incredible as the rest. Yet, I had never heard of it either until we checked out the map we were given at the Visitor Center. So don’t worry, you’re not alone. Court and I planned to …

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