Best Vehicle for Road Life & Camping? Van, RV, Camper, Trailer, Truck Shell, or Tent

I wanted to share my comprehensive summary on which vehicle is best (for you) to hit the road in for long term living or just weekend getaways. In order to save you from going down the endless rabbit hole that I’ve been on for the past two, probably more like 5, years. I’ve compiled my countless spreadsheets, notes, and blog posts to show you which vehicle will work best for the various situations, budgets, time, etc. Of course, there is no one solution that works for everyone. Some people need size for a family, others need off-road capability, all while …

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First Overnight Rafting Trip Through Ruby Horsethief Canyon on the Colorado River

The Ruby Horsethief section of the Colorado river runs from the desert town of Fruita, Colorado, putting in at the Loma Boat Ramp, travels 25 miles down river through the stunning desert canyons, into Utah, and eventually to the take out at the Westwater boat ramp. This was our first overnight trip on a river, requiring more planning, more gear, more beer, and honestly a bit more stress. Yet, it only a few miles on the river to realize this trip was going to be one of the most incredible experiences I’ve ever had in the desert. Logistics to Run …

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Video | Renting Cruise America RV to Sedona, Arizona

As far back as I can remember, the highways on every road trip were littered with the Cruise America Rental RVs. They were even more all over the place when we moved out west, every campground, every dirt road, every trailhead, these Cruise America RVs seemed to be everywhere. We always thought how fun it would be to finally rent one and drive it around on a trip of our own for once. For one trip, we trade in the truck and tent for the glamping experience inside a heated RV with a real bed, bathroom, and kitchen table! And …

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Long Weekend in Ketchum, Idaho | A.K.A. Sun Valley

Like the rest of the population, we all try to get out and make 4th of July weekend more memorable than the average weekend. That extra day off from work, perfect weather, and of course the excitement of being overly patriotic for a day or two, it’s hard to beat. Back when we lived on the east coast, 4th of July usually meant sitting in traffic for hours in order to spend a day or two at the beach. But that’s rarely the case since we’ve moved to Utah. This year, we decided to head north towards cooler temperatures and …

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Crested Butte, Colorado

This was not our first time in Crested Butte, or CB. We actually had just rung in the New Year of 2020 here with a group of friends, but visiting in the summer was 100% different. Even though the town was still just as busy and filled with tourists, the vib had completely changed. People were outside, walking around in shorts and t-shirts, which was much different than the -15F weather we were lucky to experience over New Years Eve. Luckily, after two sites were no good to camp in, we were able to find a campsite on Kebler Pass, …

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The Perfect Campsite | Gemini Bridges Moab

What exactly is the perfect campsite? Is it one where the views are so incredible you never want to leave? Is it a place so close you can get to after work? Or is it so far down a dirt road, that most will never know it’s there? Well, I guess “Perfect” is relative, and what is perfect for me might not be perfect for you. But after this past weekend, I think I might have found the perfect campsite. Like anything in life, the harder something is to get, the more we want it. And that could not describe …

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Walmart B&B | Camping in Walmart Parking Lot

Some of you may not know what I’m talking about, while others have lived by this code for decades. It’s luxury to some, while others would never even entertain such an idea. What exactly am I talking about? Camping in a Walmart parking lot of course! Yup, did you know, most Walmarts allow you to sleep in their parking lots overnight?! That’s right, those RVs you see parked in the far corner of the parking lot aren’t there to buy groceries or a new TV. They are there to catch some shut-eye before they drive off on the next leg …

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The Ultimate Truck Camping Setup

This post is for those people who bought a pick-up truck with the intention of making it the perfect base camp for all their adventures for years to come. I’m talking climbing, biking, hiking, and of course, camping. Here’s the setup that will work for just about anyone. For the longest time, I was envious of all those dirt-bags at the trailheads with their trucks loaded out in the bed of the truck with a sleeping platform and everything. To me, they had it all. A vehicle that could get them anywhere, a place to lay their head wherever they stopped, …

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The Campfire

There’s something about the campfire that is indescribably appealing to all of us. Maybe it’s the process of making the fire, or maybe it’s just the show the flames put on flawlessly every time. Whatever it is, it is, the campfire is arguably the best part about any camping trip or adventure.  It all starts with the simple plan of figuring out how much wood you’ll need for the trip, because even though we all have fancy, warm down-jackets; the fire is really the only true source of warmth on a chilly night. Is it going to be a 2 …

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One Year Older | A Desert Birthday Adventure [Video]

My girlfriend is the most amazing person. She’s always gone over the top to make my birthday special. So this year, I decided to make her birthday one she’ll never forget. I convinced 2 of our friends to join us down in the desert where we’d camp, hike, and ride a Polaris RzR around the Moab off-roading trails! The cold winter weather threatened our plans, with overnight temps in the teens. It was going to be a wild weekend, and that doesn’t even begin to capture how wild the RzR was!

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