Desert Rats Trail Festival Half Marathon (21K) in Fruita, Colorado

A half marathon, in the desert of Colorado, right along the mighty Colorado River, what else could we ask for? Although we were reluctant to sign up for a spring race, because that meant we would most likely have to be training in the snow, Courtney and I both signed up for the Desert Rats Half Marathon in Fruita, Colorado. Better yet, this race would coincide with our third wedding anniversary right next to the town of Palisade, where we go every year to celebrate in Colorado’s wine country! Talk about a win-win! Well, it would be a lot of …

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My Top 10 Mountain Bike Trails from 2020 | Ranked

2020 I spent a lot of time riding my mountain bike and I wanted to put together this list of my favorite/top 10 trails I rode this year. The trails span Colorado, Utah, Oregon, and Idaho. Of course there are so many more trails I rode that would love to top this list, but it’s hard to beat these trails. Check’m out and enjoy. #1 Ribbon Trail – Grand Junction, CO Flat out, this trail is unlike anything you’ve ever ridden. Wide open desert slaps that descend a thousand feet from the Colorado Plateau. Its been on my bucket list, …

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The Colorado Summer Road Trip | Video

This trip was something Courtney and I have been dreaming about since moving out to the West. Yet, it’s been something we’ve been putting off for years because it was almost too feasible. Unlike a vacation that requires plane tickets and months of planning, this trip was comparatively easy. Our plan was to drive around to a bunch of mountain and ski towns of Colorado during the summer months, camping just outside of each town. That way, there was no reservations, not deadlines, just get in the truck and go. For this reason, we’ve just put it off year after …

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Hiking Mount Elbert | Colorado’s Tallest Mountain

Summiting a 14er, the coveted goal of most hikers in the USA and around the world. Similar to hiking a 4,000 footer in New England, a 14er is any mountain whose summit stands over 14,000 feet in elevation. But don’t let that staggering elevation discourage anyone from trying. Most 14ers have trailhead that start at 10,000 feet or higher, making the elevation gain only around 4,000 feet, similar to the hikes in New England. Well, Courtney and I are just like the rest of the ambitious hikers in Colorado with a goal of summiting Colorado’s tallest mountain, Mount Elbert! On …

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Capitol Peak | My Experience On One of Colorado’s Most Dangerous Mountains

The most shocking part about climbing this mountain is how different the experience can be for each climber in the same party. For my 3 friends, it was an incredible time, totally fun, no big deal. For me, this mountain almost killed me, and has changed my feeling towards mountains for the rest of my life. I will never climb on any rock this sketchy ever again, and will reconsider my climbing trips to mountains and routes that overtly warn against unstable rock combined with high exposure in 100% no-fall zones. This is the story of that trip. The genesis …

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Crested Butte, Colorado

This was not our first time in Crested Butte, or CB. We actually had just rung in the New Year of 2020 here with a group of friends, but visiting in the summer was 100% different. Even though the town was still just as busy and filled with tourists, the vib had completely changed. People were outside, walking around in shorts and t-shirts, which was much different than the -15F weather we were lucky to experience over New Years Eve. Luckily, after two sites were no good to camp in, we were able to find a campsite on Kebler Pass, …

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Silverton, Colorado

Our first stop was by far the most out-of-this world. Heading into the massive, towering San Juan mountains for the first time blew my expectations out of the water. The transition in the landscape from the desert plateau of Montrose into the tight canyon where Ouray is nestled, then up the Million Dollar Highway over Red Mountain Pass. That alone makes the trip worth it! A highway that cuts up a narrow canyon riddled with avalanche paths, it’s amazing this highway is ever open during the winter. After, what felt like, hours of searching up and down the dirt road, …

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Colorado Road Trip

This trip was something Courtney and I have been dreaming about since moving out to the West. Yet, it’s been something we’ve been putting off for years because it was almost too feasible. Unlike a vacation that requires plane tickets and months of planning, this trip was comparatively easy. Our plan was to drive around to a bunch of mountain and ski towns of Colorado during the summer months, camping just outside of each town. That way, there was no reservations, not deadlines, just get in the truck and go. For this reason, we’ve just put it off year after …

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